We have moved to 2171 Ivy Road · Now enrolling Spring Break, Summer, and School Days Off Camps!

AMC8 Training and Testing

Through a combination of hands-on building and programming, your children will embark on a thrilling journey of discovery. We carefully selected eight robots that will engage their imaginations and ignite their passion for STEM.
Our course utilizes the LEGO Education WeDo 2.0 Core Set 45300, a powerful tool that combines the joy of LEGO building with the fundamentals of coding. With 8 different building instructions at their fingertips, your children will construct fascinating models, each with its own special features and functions.

Wedo project

Enrichment and tutoring in Math and Computing for any student who wants to learn.
Led by Ana Nora Evans in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Blue Ridge Boost
2171 Ivy Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Email: nora@blueridgeboost.com
Phone: ‪(434) 260-0636