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Programming Fundamentals with Sphero Bots

Learn Coding and problem-solving with Sphero bots!

Ignite your students' programming journeys with engaging BOLT activities that harness the power of our Draw and Block Canvases. These interactive tools provide a dynamic learning environment and serve as the perfect starting point for students to delve into the world of programming.

With the Draw Canvas, students can express their creativity by designing and creating visual masterpieces. They can experiment with various drawing tools, colors, and shapes, honing their artistic skills while simultaneously gaining a deeper understanding of programming concepts.

The Block Canvas offers a user-friendly interface where students can drag and drop blocks of code to construct their own programs. This visual representation makes programming accessible and enjoyable, allowing students to grasp fundamental coding principles without feeling overwhelmed.

The second part of the class teaches computational thinking skills. Computational thinking encompasses the logical and procedural thought processes inherent in computer languages.

Computational thinking combines critical thinking, problem-solving, and the computational capabilities of computers, providing a framework for generating innovative solutions to real-world problems that can be effectively applied using computer systems. It enables individuals to approach complex challenges by breaking them down into manageable steps, identifying patterns and algorithms, and leveraging computational power to analyze and solve problems efficiently.

Enrichment and tutoring in Math and Computing for any student who wants to learn.
Led by Ana Nora Evans in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Blue Ridge Boost
2171 Ivy Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Email: nora@blueridgeboost.com
Phone: ‪(434) 260-0636