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Python Classess and Tutoring in Charlottesville

Are you a middle schooler (grades 5 or 6) interested in Python? Come and learn with us!

Students learn Python using a combination of lessons that use the Code Monkey platform and Jupyter Notebooks created by the instructor.

Classes run in semester-long sessions. Each class is 50 minutes long. We adjust classes to the pace of each student.

Unit 1. Sequencing, Objects and For Loops

Students learn that coding means giving precise instructions to a computer, the concept of objects, and that objects can perform several actions. In addition, students learn to create and manipulate lists, a fundamental idea in computing, and use for commands to loop through lists. The first three lessons use the Code Monkey™ platform, and the fourth introduces students to Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 2. More on Loops, Lists and Variables

Students deepen their understanding of loops and learn to create complex programs by storing intermediate computations into variables. Two lessons use the Code Monkey™ platform, and in the last two lessons, students practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks with the range function and mathematical expressions.

Unit 3. Conditional Statements

Students learn to write programs whose execution depends on the truth value of variables, including ``if``, ``if/else``, and ``while`` commands. Three lessons use Code Monkey™; the fourth is instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 4. Boolean Operators

Students learn to code using the Boolean operators and, or, and not. Two lessons use Code Monkey™; the fourth is instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 5. Functions

Students learn to define and call functions. One lesson uses Code Monkey™, and the rest are created by the instructor.

Unit 6. Classes

Students learn to define classes. One lesson uses Code Monkey™, and the rest instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 7. Input

Students learn to create programs that ask for user input or read it from a file. One lesson uses Code Monkey™, and the rest are instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 8. Strings

Students learn to work with String data. One lesson uses Code Monkey™, and the rest are instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 8. Dictionaries, Sets, and Tuples

Students learn to work with two new data structures, dictionary and set. Two lesson use Code Monkey™, and the rest are instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 9. 2D Lists

Students learn to work with two-dimensional lists. Two lesson use Code Monkey™, and the rest are instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Unit 10. Search and Sorting

Students learn to code sequential and binary search, and study the bubble sort algorithm. Two lesson use Code Monkey™, and the rest are instructor-assigned practice using Jupyter™ Notebooks.

Enrichment and tutoring in Math and Computing for any student who wants to learn.
Led by Ana Nora Evans in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Blue Ridge Boost
2171 Ivy Road
Charlottesville, Virginia 22902
Email: nora@blueridgeboost.com
Phone: ‪(434) 260-0636