Code Quest

Adventures in Text Programming

4:30 – 5:30 on Mondays
Code Cadets
Grades: 3rd to 4th

Banana Code Quest is a gamified coding course designed to teach young students real-world coding from the first challenge. Through engaging puzzles and adventures, students help a monkey catch bananas and outsmart various animals while learning fundamental and advanced coding concepts in a fun and interactive way.

Key Features

  • Real Coding Language: Students will code using CoffeeScript, a language similar to JavaScript but with a friendlier syntax, making it perfect for kids.
  • Fun-Filled Challenges: The course includes a series of puzzles where students write code to help the monkey achieve various tasks.
  • Structured Learning: The course is divided into three parts:
    • Part 1: Fundamentals – Introduces the basics of coding.
    • Part 2: Functions & Conditions – Covers more advanced concepts.
    • Part 3: Logic & Events – Wraps up with complex coding challenges.
    • Coding Concepts Covered

      Students will learn a variety of coding concepts, including:

      • Objects: Essential for organizing and storing data in a structured way.
      • Loops: Crucial for executing repetitive tasks efficiently.
      • Variables: Fundamental for storing and manipulating data within a program.
      • Array Indexing: Important for accessing and manipulating data stored in arrays.
      • Functions: Key for creating reusable code blocks, making programs more modular and manageable.
      • Boolean Logic: Necessary for decision-making processes within code, using true/false values.
      • Comparisons: Important for evaluating conditions and making decisions based on different criteria.
      • Return Values: Essential for functions to output data and interact with other parts of the program.
      • Triggering Events: Key for creating interactive applications that respond to user actions or other events.
      • And more!

      • Enrichment and tutoring in Math and Computing
        for any student who wants to learn.
        Led by Ana Nora Evans in Charlottesville, Virginia.

        Blue Ridge Boost   Blue Ridge Boost

        2171 Ivy Rd
        Charlottesville, VA 22903