Code Explorers

JavaScript Journey

“Code Explorers: JavaScript Journey” is an engaging introductory class designed to introduce middle school students to the world of JavaScript programming. This course takes students on an exciting adventure through the fundamentals of coding, using JavaScript as the vehicle for exploration. Through hands-on projects, interactive exercises, and creative problem-solving, students will discover the power of programming while building a solid foundation in JavaScript concepts. The class aims to spark curiosity, foster logical thinking, and empower young learners to create their own web-based projects, setting them on a path to become the next generation of digital innovators.
5:30 – 6:30 on Mondays
Sep 18, 24 to Jun 2, 25
Code Cadets
Grades: 5th to 6th

Unit 1: Programming with Karel

This unit introduces basic programming concepts using Karel the Dog. Students will learn about commands, functions, control flow, looping, conditionals, and more through engaging exercises.

Key Topics:
  • Commands
  • Defining vs. Calling Functions
  • Control Flow
  • Looping and Conditionals
  • Top Down Design

Unit 2: Karel Challenges

Students will solve more complex problems using Karel, reinforcing the concepts learned in Unit 1.

Unit 3: JavaScript Basics

This unit introduces JavaScript basics such as variables, user input, arithmetic expressions, and functions. These fundamentals are crucial for building more complex programs.

Key Topics:
  • Variables and Constants
  • User Input
  • Arithmetic Expressions
  • Functions

Unit 4: The Canvas and Graphics

Students will learn to create graphics and position objects on the JavaScript canvas, enhancing their ability to make visually engaging programs.

Unit 5: Graphics Challenges

This unit presents challenges that require students to apply their graphics knowledge to solve more complex problems.

Unit 6: JavaScript Control Structures

Students will delve into control structures such as loops and conditionals, which are essential for controlling the flow of programs.

Key Topics:
  • Booleans and If/Else Statements
  • Logical and Comparison Operators
  • While and For Loops
  • Nested Control Structures

Unit 7: Control Structures Challenges

In this unit, students will solve more complex problems using control structures, reinforcing their understanding of these crucial concepts.

Unit 8: Functions

Students will explore functions in depth, learning about parameters, return values, and scope. Functions are key to writing reusable and maintainable code.

Unit 9: Functions Challenges

This unit provides challenges that require students to apply their knowledge of functions to solve complex problems.

Unit 10: Animation and Games

Students will learn to create animations and simple games using JavaScript, incorporating timers, randomization, and event handling.

Key Topics:
  • Timers and Randomization
  • Mouse and Keyboard Events

Unit 11: Animation Challenges

This unit presents challenges that require students to apply their animation and game development skills to more complex projects.

Unit 12: Project: Breakout

Students will build a Breakout game, applying their knowledge of graphics, mouse events, and collision detection in a guided project.

Unit 13: Final Project

The final project encourages creativity and collaboration, allowing students to apply everything they have learned to create an interactive JavaScript program.